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12/29/2023 貼上

2023年 12/09 真愛單親家庭聖誕聯誼餐會【超凡的人生】

12/09 真愛單親家庭  聖誕聯誼餐會,約70人次參加!


嘉賓蒞臨: 葉高芳會長、胡惠玲牧師與 講員: 陳信言長老伉儷







當平凡的人, 有了超凡的神的能力後, 就可以成就超凡的事。

我們當放下所有應得的權利,跟隨超凡的 神的帶領~。

你們當以基督耶穌的心為心。他本有 神的形像、不以自己與 神同等為強奪的。
所以 神將他升為至高、又賜給他超乎萬名之上的名。
(腓立比 2:5-8)



常常又會忘記 一分錢的禱告
學習更上一層的功課: 權力 時間 健康
如在船上 完全放手~。

超凡的 神對我們的一生有奇妙的計畫:



( 約翰福音14:21)

『拍賣 老舊小提琴』

“Touch Of The Master’s Hand”

Well it was battered and scared, And the auctioneer felt it was hardly worth his while,

To waste much time on the old violin but he held it up with a smile,

Well it sure ain’t much but its all we got left I guess we ought to sell it to,

Oh, now who’ll start the bid on this old violin? Just one more and we’ll be through.

And then he cried one give me one dollar, Who’ll make it two, give me two dollars who’ll make it three,

Three dollars twice and that’s a good price,

But who’s got a bid for me? Raise up your hand now don’t wait any longer the auctions about to end,

Who’s got four Just one dollar more to bid on this old violin?






Well the air was hot and the people stood around as the sun was setting low,

From the back of the crowd a gray haired man, Came forward and picked up the bow,

He wiped the dust from the old violin then he tightened up the strings,

Then he played out a melody pure and sweet, sweeter than the Angels sing,

Then the music stopped and the auctioneer, With a voice that was quiet and low He said now

what am I bid for this old violin and he held it up with a bow.

And then he cried out one give me one thousand, Who’ll make it two,

give me two thousand who’ll make it three, Three thousand twice and that’s a good price,

But who’s got a bid for me? The people called out what made the change we don’t understand,

Then the auctioneer stopped and he said with a smile, It was the touch of the Master’s hand.

Now we know there’s many a man with his life out of tune,

Battered and scared with sin And he’s auctioned cheap to a thankless world much like that old violin,

Oh, but then the Master comes, And that old foolish crowd they never understand,

The worth of a soul and the change that is Wrought, Just by one touch of the Masters hand.

He called one give me one thousand, Who’ll make it two,

give me two thousand, who’ll make it three,

Three thousand twice and that’s a good price, But who’s got a bid for me?And the people called out what made the change we don’t understand,

Then the auctioneer stopped and he said with a smile,

It was the touch of the Master’s hand; oh, it was the touch of the Master’s hand. Have you been touched by the Master’s hand?


就像那把舊小提琴一樣, 哦,但是大師來了,而那群愚蠢的老人們永遠不明白,



但是誰對我出價? 人們喊出了什麼做出了我們不明白的改變,然後拍賣師停了下來,他笑著說道,

那是師父的手的觸摸; 哦,是【師父的手摸的】。



“當平凡的人, 有了超凡的上帝的能力後, 就可以成就超凡的事.”

“可是當超凡的人, 離開了上帝超凡的能力後 , 就變成平凡人了.”


